3 Weeks to Make a Habit

21 days today. 21 flipping days. Wow. The only benchmark I have to use is my previous all-time-high of 31 days. I feel very good about achieving that. Heck, I feel very good about achieving 90 days.

At this point, I like being sober. There isn’t one thing I feel I’ve missed out on in three weeks. Not one. Except hangovers, but I’m getting to be a broken record about that, I suppose.

The house is still a mess, but it’s the mess of progress. It’s the mess of things changing. It’s the mess of action, not the mess of hibernation, despair and drinking. A subtle, but important, difference.


Now read this

89 Days

Well, shitfire, I’m one day away from the big 9-0. I’ve been absent here, mostly because of extra work and the fact that I can’t remember the log-in to post from my phone. I have to be careful because I do think jotting down my thoughts... Continue →