Day 1 - Once More, With Feeling

Because I think it will help in the future, here’s my unvarnished, post-midnight ramble I sent to myself after last night:

No one died. I didn’t. Hurt myslef 0r others. But, wow, drinking is not fun. I’m ok … no, I’m not ok i blew 90 days. Fuck me. But i tried it and realized i’m happier not drinking. How great is that? I dont have to hurt myself or anyone else to get to that place. That’s wonderful. Exqisite. Even. Go me! I’m a weird sort of scard and happy. It is best if i don’t drink again. It’s that easy. It doesnt need to get deeper than that. It’s best if i dont drink again.

It is that simple. I feel like shit today and for what? A whiskey ginger beer that would have been much better without the whiskey, and 3 glasses of wine that didn’t even taste good, fucked with my appetite and made me woozy.

No thank you. Not fun. Resolved; it’s best if I don’t drink again.


Now read this

I Mean, Really?

What is wrong with me? I’d like to think it’s something as simple as hormones or stress or loneliness. But what if I’m an alcoholic? What then? It runs in my blood. As does depression (which I have). I just can’t let go of the fact that... Continue →