Hungry and Headachy

I still don’t feel any full relief, more like I’m in the afternoon of a day spent hungover where things are starting to abate but I’m still not quite right. I suppose it’s going to take some time to get back to the mean. The dog’s up-and-down night didn’t help.

Nor did work. A busy day made harder by the fact that I wanted my head anywhere but in the game. I suppose the same could be said of life.

I am tempted to skip tonight’s GA meeting and just hole up with some red wine and crap TV - hey, at least I’m not gambling.

I was reading on another blog that shared an adage that there are only 2 times you need to go to meetings:

  1. When you want to go to meetings.
  2. When you don’t want to go to meetings.

I love and appreciate the simplicity in that. Doing only what I wanted to do is what, more or less, got me into this mess.

So, what I think I’ll do instead is finish up this nagging little work project, strap on some shoes and try for a 30-minute walk. Quick shower. Then treat myself to a fast-food dinner and make it to the meeting by 8 p.m.

Once the meeting’s over and I’m back at base camp, it will already be close to 10 p.m. and time for bed.


Now read this

Pink Wine

Well, shit. I don’t even know where to start. Part of the problem, I guess. I had a REALLY bad week last week in terms of abusing my poor body and drinking. Partly hormonal, partly emotional, partly physical, partly I just didn’t want to... Continue →