I did not drink and I did not gamble today. I have to remember that pretty much everything else gets a pass at the moment. But I was off tonight. Fidgety. Anxious. Bored. Thinking of drinking and the slots like I haven’t in days.

I think the connection is exhaustion. I felt almost bone tired today and, yet, did I stop? Rest? Meditate? Nap? No, no, no and no.

But I did overeat. And I did overspend. I did take it too far and kept adding things to the to-do list that didn’t get done, leading to guilt. I’m wondering if a 20 minute nap isn’t the magic answer next time?

I know sleep is calling me now. Day 11 safely under wraps, but I can’t help feel I could have done better today.


Now read this


Am I really on the evening of 70 days sober? Because that means I’m on the evening of about 80 days gamble free, which is my longest stretch and only 10 more days to the all-mighty 90 (though there is no graduation, I know. I know. I... Continue →