24 Days

More than three weeks sober, hot damn. I can’t even believe myself how easy it’s been. Honestly. I mean, it’s my third or fourth sober weekend, and I’m actually looking forward to it! Looking forward to what I’ll get done and projects I’ll start and the honest-to-God opportunity to truly rest my mind and my bones.

It’s crazy to think about that just 24 days ago, I was fearful of this time, worried I’d be going crazy, climbing the walls. Now I want things to slow down.

I don’t know why this has been so easy, but I’m grateful. And, it makes me wonder what other things in my life I have built up to be so very difficult that probably really aren’t. Perhaps quitting my job. Perhaps getting my finances in order. Perhaps pursuing other dreams that have long been buried.

The possibilities are endless. But, if I know anything - and I do know a few things - it’s that I should take things slow. I have a history of biting off more than I can chew, becoming overwhelmed and then giving up on the whole thing.

Maybe that’s been the secret all along: It’s only 90 days, right? I haven’t had to think about forever, or never again. It’s been finite.

So, I’ll take that lesson and apply it to other things. Don’t worry about the whole honking thing; worry about a piece or a part. Set an achievable end goal and end date. If you surpass it, you surpass it, and if you don’t, you don’t.

Finishing up work now so I can get onto doing some of my fun arts and crafts things this evening!


Now read this

The Forgotten Ones

My, but I made some bad decisions in the past with regard to sexual congress. My numbers are … well, high. They say that’s not uncommon with sexual abuse survivors. I’m sure that’s part of it but I also genuinely enjoy sex and have a... Continue →