90 Days to Better Gum Health

Day 2, and I’ve already flossed twice, which is two more times than I flossed last month.

Today was good. Sunny, breezy and 70 degrees. I also got a surprise that my sweet husband would be home early and I did, of course, have a thought of “Well, I could start again tomorrow.” He talked me out of it with a simple, “No, I don’t want you to …” and that was all it took.

There are going to be more nice days ahead, more surprise early nights for him. There’s always going to be a reason to say, “Well, maybe today …” so no time like the present to tackle the issues. It’s only 90 days - and 90 days I sorely need. It will be so good for my psyche and my body. I’m not begrudging this … much. But I’m still wrapping my head around it, as I think my sweet husband is.

He’s supporting me in his way, even if he did drink tonight. He asked if he “could,” if it would bother me. I told him I wasn’t sure but to go ahead and try it; I’d let him know if it troubled me.

I thought I would mind it, and maybe I did at first, but then I didn’t. I really didn’t. Looking at my clean counter and seeing 20 hours in already for the day helped big time. So, all good in the hood. I had some ice cream just in case. I didn’t even really want it, but I wanted something indulgent and it fit the bill.

I went to bed early and read. I also find I really like looking ahead to my day tomorrow and planning what I’m going to do. Not a script exactly, more of an outline. It calms me and gives me something to look forward to.

Day 2 celebrated. Dear lord, please make day 3 just as easy.


Now read this


62 days without a drink, and 70 days without a bet. Damn. And, yet, what I find myself doing is deviating from the very thigns that helped get me to this point. The cravings are back and powerful. Gambling dreams, rationalization that I... Continue →