Cravings are Back

Whoo, I am struggling today. I keep envisioning having a drink and feeling that warm, loose feeling it gives me. I think it’s partly weather-related, partly that I’ve spent most of my work day doing stuff for the house and partly because my husband is off today and left to enjoy some golf with a friend.

I don’t begrudge him that, I honestly don’t. But I know that he’s going to come home fairly buzzed and … my first thought was to write, “It will be easier to deal with him if I’m drunk, too.”

Wow. I do find myself irritated at him when he’s at home upsetting my routine. Isn’t that something? I mean, my routine - I’m just here working typically. Is it that I’m jealous that he’s not working?

I think it might be. So, my brain, feeling jealous, says, “Hey, go ahead and blow 28 days of sobriety to quiet that little green monster.”

No, thank you. I will not. I’m going to continue getting projects done. And, at the end of the day, if I don’t feel like being around him, I won’t. I’ll take a bath and read my book.

But, let’s be honest: The problem isn’t him. He’s quite a pleasant man, drunk or sober. He’s a little floppier drunk, but he’s a sweet, sleepy drunk. The problem is me. And me wanting to be drunk.

So, why do I want to be drunk? It’s nice outside. I’ve been working hard around the house and want a reward. I have a hard time unwinding without it. It’s that last one that’s the toughest. I’m not sure how to fully relax unless I “make” myself relax by getting stone drunk.

I’ll have to ruminate on that.


Now read this


For many years, I’ve played out how I’d quit my job. No dramatics, just quiet smack downs. Was just doing that. Instead of quitting, I pretend to quit. I wasted today, probably one of the most gorgeous days in the history of everness. I... Continue →