Day 3

In some ways, day 3 was easier than day 2. For one, I didn’t have my husband home, nor was he drinking in front of me. I did what I expected to: putzed in the yard some, took the dog for a vigorous 30 minute (actually 40 minute) walk, shopped at the discount store down the street, had a good dinner, snacked after dinner, and then followed that up with copious amounts of chewy fruit-flavored candy and mindless TV. Then a shower, flossing and now in bed, recounting the day and reading a bit before snoozeville.

Objectively speaking, a nice day. I should be so lucky to spend them all this way. That would get old, of course, so I will settle for just the first couple like this.

In the spirit of transperity, I was a touch antsy. Maybe wishing I had someone to hang with - not someone who talked a lot or didn’t want to watch the same shows on TV or who I had to share my chewy fruit-flavored candies with. But someone.

I think a big cloud hanging over me is that the house is a mess. Like dirty. We are not living in piles of filth, mind you, but our house is 100 years old, so there is always ancient dirt about, plus the winter grime, plus the “I was gone for 2 weeks and my husband works 90 hours” funk. I always felt a cleaning person was wasteful, but perhaps someone to come in every few weeks to give us a baseline clean IS a good idea. I’m not eager to tackle some of the cleaning tasks on my list tomorrow, no, sir.

And, in fact, household chores are actually a sore subject, I’m feeling as I type. I’ve gotten stuck with all of them since my husband’s new job. And I didn’t even really want this house to begin with.

Resentment much?

That doesn’t seem like a good note to end on, but that is what I’m feeling at the moment. So, lord, since you did such a great job of helping me sail through day 3, can you remove some of this resentment from my crusty, dark heart? Thanks.


Now read this

Regrets - or Not

Went to a GA meeting last night after a loooong day of work because that’s what I needed. The medicine analogy is a little worn out by now, but it’s fucking true. Sometimes you take medicine because you have active symptoms and it makes... Continue →