Day 6

A good meeting tonight with my “home” group, whom I had to tell about my relapse. I didn’t “have” to but I wanted to.

I feel a bit like a traitor, as some of the things the kindly Orthodox Jew has told me run directly counter to GA tenets. I guess it all goes back to: As long as it keeps you from gambling, do it.

This isn’t coming out like I planned. I had some witty words in mind, but I find I’m tired.

Oh! I know what I wanted to share! Day 6 nearly behind me, and I find my tolerance for mess is lowering. That’s a good thing.

I’m also realizing how much can get done after 7 p.m. It sounds slothful but typically after 7 p.m., I was DONE. It was me and wine and TV. Dishes not done? Work not done? Dog not walked? Don’t care; it’s 7 p.m.

Tonight, after I got back from my meeting, I was on my hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor at 9:30 and changing the bed sheets at 9:45. That’s a surprising find that tasks like these typically only take about 10 minutes each, if that. I used to have this idea it took forever. Now, I just put on Slacker and I’m usually done with mopping, changing the sheets, emptying the dishwasher, cleaning the bathroom or folding a load of laundry within two songs’ time. Amazing.

I do feel more productive. But what I still don’t feel - and I’m starting to get pissed about it - is rested. I’m still not sleeping well, tossing and turning, waking up puffy and red-eyed. Maybe it was unrealistic to think I’d suddenly look 22 again. Maybe not - my sister, who will be 40 this year - looks 22. Hand to God. And we look a lot alike. So, not entirely out of the question.

Ah, well. It’s still quite novel to not wake up hungover. Even if I am still tired and looking my age, not having to deal with a hangover is divine.


Now read this


Am I really on the evening of 70 days sober? Because that means I’m on the evening of about 80 days gamble free, which is my longest stretch and only 10 more days to the all-mighty 90 (though there is no graduation, I know. I know. I... Continue →