Not Great but …

All right, I’m drunk. Not DRUNK, but drunk, and wishing I wasn’t. Not because I did anything bad or dumb or weird, but because I think if I weren’t drunk, I’d be one step closer to not married. I keep thinking I need some sober clarity to make the move to divorce my husband. Or to meet someone to solidify my decision. But the truth is: I know, and I don’t want to hurt him. But I know.

Six months of sex is not what I want. More importantly, six months of no sex followed by not wanting sex WITH MY HUSBAND is a pretty clear sign. I can’t pretend I find him attractive anymore.

So. Options are: stay, and be unhappy forever, or go, and feel bad for a little while, and then fine.

I would like another choice, please.


Now read this

I’ll Call It

Well, a few hours until midnight but I feel pretty good I won’t blow my seven months - at least not tonight. Went to a GA meeting. It helped. It always does. Do I feel miraculously cured? No, I do not. Still not entirely sure I won’t... Continue →