Don’t Abandon What’s Working

Whoa, two days away. Easy, tiger. Don’t stop doing what seems to be working.

Got home last night after a long drive. Then got back in the car today for another four-hour round trip but worth it because I saw some of my favorite gals today. Man, I’m lucky in the friend department.

And I stayed sober. Now, to be fair, I left early before things got crazy, but folks were drinking and smoking and, honestly, it was fine. But, another concession, a friend is pregnant, so I had a sober pal. But I guess don’t look a pregnant friend in the mouth.

I realized today that I can be just as bawdy and brazen sober as I can drunk, and damn it, I’m funny. I am. Probably more so sober because I can remember more.

But speaking of remembering more … I worry because I’m having trouble remembering. I hope it’s seasonal and situational, nothing more.

So very tired and a long to-do list, so adios for now.


Now read this

The Forgotten Ones

My, but I made some bad decisions in the past with regard to sexual congress. My numbers are … well, high. They say that’s not uncommon with sexual abuse survivors. I’m sure that’s part of it but I also genuinely enjoy sex and have a... Continue →