I Thought I Was Having a Heart attack Today

Not in a melodramatic way, but a “I have chest pain and tingling and nausea” way.

Do you know what stopped me from checking out an urgent care? Shame that I’ve been drinking heavily for a few weeks. Figured I was either just severely hungover or I brought the heart attack on myself for abusing my body.

That’s sad. I’m 34. I have a lot of life in me yet. I carry so much shame and disregard for myself.

I need to stop drinking. This is a fact.


Now read this

I Mean, Really?

What is wrong with me? I’d like to think it’s something as simple as hormones or stress or loneliness. But what if I’m an alcoholic? What then? It runs in my blood. As does depression (which I have). I just can’t let go of the fact that... Continue →