I Thought I Was Having a Heart attack Today

Not in a melodramatic way, but a “I have chest pain and tingling and nausea” way.

Do you know what stopped me from checking out an urgent care? Shame that I’ve been drinking heavily for a few weeks. Figured I was either just severely hungover or I brought the heart attack on myself for abusing my body.

That’s sad. I’m 34. I have a lot of life in me yet. I carry so much shame and disregard for myself.

I need to stop drinking. This is a fact.


Now read this

Pink Wine

Well, shit. I don’t even know where to start. Part of the problem, I guess. I had a REALLY bad week last week in terms of abusing my poor body and drinking. Partly hormonal, partly emotional, partly physical, partly I just didn’t want to... Continue →