
Didn’t have much to say for day 26. I skipped my GA meeting Saturday - sort of on purpose accidentally - and have felt guilty since then. But otherwise, it was a nice, sober weekend where I crossed off two items on my “scared to do sober” list: going to a bar and going to a movie.

Our theater sells beer and wine, and we’d always sneak in extra wine so that “going to movie” was also code for “drinking damn near a bottle of wine each in the span of the movie and getting shitfaced so that the rest of the day was a total wash.”

The movie was just as enjoyable with a diet Dr. Pepper and a pack of Twizzlers, and I cam home and worked in the garden afterward.

I’m realizing I used to compartmentalize my days so extremely. There was “before drinking” and “after drinking.” I’ve read many sober bloggers who customarily planned staying home after 7 p.m. so they wouldn’t drive drunk and, yeah, that was me, too, but there were also other things I didn’t do after drinking o'clock: talk on the phone, clean, exercise, anything worthwhile or productive, etc.

But, while I didn’t drink last night as we were watching some TV, I did completely stuff my face, eating and eating and eating and eating. I recognized it wasn’t healthy and that I didn’t feel good, but I didn’t stop.

I’ve lost a few pounds from 27 days ago, but I am eating a ton more sugar and candy. I also know this isn’t uncommon for early sobriety, so I’m not too worried about it. It’s not every day and it’s not non-stop, but it’s, say, half a bag of Starburst every other day. And cookies for breakfast.

But, all in all, it’s safer and better for me than a bottle and a half of wine a day. Yet, like many other folks who quit drinking, I’m going to have to reckon with the sugar at some point, too, because I didn’t NOT feel good last night after it.


Now read this

Day 1, Version 17

Well. I suppose if I had any doubt whatsoever that alcohol makes me miserable and that I can’t really moderate and I don’t drink like other people, that’s gone out the window. Only back on the sauce for a few weeks, and already the “... Continue →