Marginally Better … or Maybe A Lot Better?

What is going on with this week? Holy Moses. Such strife, much drama, so unhappiness. Me, my friends, co-workers. Bonkers, I tell you.

Another hard-fought day, but I’m feeling pretty good that I’ll ring the register on 17 days before it’s all over. 17 days. Again, bonkers.

I don’t feel any giant shifts. I really don’t. I’m not gleefully happy. But it’s weird. It’s just like alcohol is not an option for me right now. Like, obviously, it exists - I know it’s there but for some reason, my brain is suddenly trained on the fact that it’s not something I do anymore. I can’t explain it. Like a switch has been turned off.

I’m mighty grateful, though. I can tell you that. This week has sucked dogwater, and I am certain that it would have been exponentially more hellacious with a hangover.

Thank you lord for looking out for me during this. In the past, feeling stressed out, frustrated, irritated, tired and burnt-out were all very good reasons to drink. Today, they are just feelings.

In a few hours, when I can put this work day to bed, I will continue to feel stressed out, frustrated, irritated, tired and burnt-out while watching crap TV and eating take out Chinese. Then I’ll get into bed at a reasonable time, read some, listen to a guided meditation and wake up at a reasonably early time tomorrow and get shit done.

I might not be full of fairy sparkle dust or have a beaming smile on my face as I’m doing it, but I won’t be hungover. That’s something. That’s really all I’ve got at the moment with regard to benefits of not drinking, but that’s something.


Now read this


Am I really on the evening of 70 days sober? Because that means I’m on the evening of about 80 days gamble free, which is my longest stretch and only 10 more days to the all-mighty 90 (though there is no graduation, I know. I know. I... Continue →