Maybe not so slick?

I spent a lot of time covering my tracks for a number of transgressions, and I thought I was getting away with them. And maybe I was. But clearly all the card shuffling took some toll on me that I couldn’t cover up.

My boss told me today that she’s been a little worried about me – worried that there was something seriously wrong because I haven’t been myself.

No. No, I haven’t. I feel like I’m starting to get back there, but I’m no fool: There’s a long way to go.

I’m tired today. I just want to crawl back in bed and hide. Let’s face it. That’s what it’s about: hiding.

Something has shifted with my husband and me. I think it’s temporary. I hope it is. I don’t know.

Also, a secret: I think I might be pregnant. Maybe. That would explain why it’s been so easy to give up drinking. But another secret: I don’t know how I feel about it. Happy? Sad? Disbelief? I think that’s it.

It’s tough because hormones are coursing through my veins for one reason or another today, that’s for sure. So, either I’m pregnant … or I am definitely not pregnant. I’ll know in another day or two.

I think the best way for me to get clear of some of this angst is to just Get Shit Done (GSD). And also maybe a pregnancy test.


Now read this

On the One Hand …

I’m super proud of myself. 75 days of no drinking. Something like 82 of not gambling. I’m happier. I’m happy period. I am thinking about my future with hope. And, yet, the message remains that it’s not enough. I can’t stop. I can’t slow... Continue →