What is the worst that could happen?

I could get fired because the dog tore a hole in the carpet, the washing machine flooded the basement and they didn’t like the way I put the sheets on. Plus, the dog could have choked on his food and died in the 17 minutes that he was alone.

These are some of the anxieties running through my head at the moment. All of them are fairly ridiculous and, yet, not so unrealistic, either.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know that some things are entirely out of my hands and, honestly, if I get fired, it may actually be the best thing for me.

I just hate disappointing people. I really do.


Now read this

I’ll Call It

Well, a few hours until midnight but I feel pretty good I won’t blow my seven months - at least not tonight. Went to a GA meeting. It helped. It always does. Do I feel miraculously cured? No, I do not. Still not entirely sure I won’t... Continue →